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Help with image search

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:41 am
by nina_nerd
Looking for an image I saw forever ago that I just can't find. It has a solo girl with tanned skin, long pale blonde hair and I want to say blue eyes? I don't think she had bangs. She's wearing a long sleeved shirt and a skirt that are the same color - I think they were brown or another dark color. I'm pretty sure she's frowning. I can't remember if there's a background or not, but I feel like if there was it was just plain blue? ?? Idek I'd really appreciate any help finding this pic <333

Re: Help with image search

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:58 am
by RockRabbit
do you remember if there was a source/character to it, cuz i tried looking for images that didn't have both and all i got was but her hair is too bright, she's wearing shorts and the eyes aren't blue.
if you can recall if a source/character existed, the results will be far more. you don't have to remember source/character, just if the fields had anything in them
maybe pose/hairstyle if she had any would be of help too

Re: Help with image search

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:45 am
by nina_nerd
Funny enough, the image I'm looking for is intended as a twin to the girl in that image so that's really close. Like her hair/skin are practically the same as the girl in that image. As far as pose and hairstyle, she's literally just standing with her arms at her sides, p sure it was a full body image, and her hair wasn't styled, just long and straight down her back. I don't think she had bangs.

EDIT: I found it! And was admittedly wrong about a number of details lol, but thank you for your help!